Friday, 23 May 2014

"Herty Bonegreat, Van Vicker Stop Petrifying Fans With Your Gory Facebook Posts" - Naa Ayiney

Naa Ahiney, final year student of AUCC
Horrific stories, heinous images and ghastly Facebook updates are being forced on Ghanaians by celebrities every time.  It gets worse when these gory stuffs pop up on your timeline and as if that is not enough, they are always accompanied by 'call to action' tags either telling you to type 'Amen' or 'share' on your profile. It gets so frustrating even when you hide it from your timeline, another one pops up again clutching you into a monstrous and grisly state.  This sh*t is scary even writing about it is scaring the heck out of me.

For the obvious reasons, I asked you all to support the action started by Naa Ahiney Laryea, a communication expert and social media monitor, to help put a stop to celebrities posting scary images and stories on their Facebook pages. We follow celebrities on social media because we love what they do so these action should not be taken out of context at all. It is laudable and must be supported by all including the celebrities themselves. They should get professionals to handle their social media issues so that, cases like hacking of accounts and scam accounts will be avoided.

I say, congratulations to Miss Naa Laryea for facing Herty Bonegreat and Van Vicker head-on and telling them to stop.  Check below for her reply to some of the posts.

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