Thursday, 23 October 2014

4SytTV Music Video Awards' Publicity: Who Is Charge??

So check this out. I was at some banku and tilapia joint this afternoon for lunch with my guys when a young man approached our table and asked this specific question….”ah boss, when bi the 4syte Music Video Awards? abi you people bi de dons for the media”
We all laughed small, but the fact is that none of us knew the date offhand and as much as I couldn’t think of a better answer so as not to unnecessarily maim my reputation as the only tooKnownGuy with  a …..ummm (this Kalybos guy is gradually messing our heads with his ‘one S’ buzzphrase) never mind. Frankly speaking, Jay Folley and his boss, Ignace should sit up and invest more in publicity. You guys whasup??? Why is publicity for this year’s event so low- well I didn’t want to say non-existent but unlike previous Music Video Award events where the publicity and general communication was high, I hardly hear anything on the 2014 edition neither on television nor radio or any of the online platforms, guys why?

Considering the immense contribution that the concept of rewarding and appreciating outstanding music video production in Ghana has gained since its inception, I will urge the organizers to utilize the various mediums available to sell the event to the public. People are interested and they want to be part of it. However, the persuasive communication is not there. Absolutely none! No radio ads, nothing on television, few or no online presence and we only see or hear about the awards on 4sytTV alone- which by the way is broadcasted digitally and considering the fact few people have migrated to digital, the message only reaches the few and untimely gives limited impact. 4sty Music Video Awards deserves more publicity and the organizers must start now. 'As for the boy who is pestering me for that date of the event dieeer....chale I dawg am, I tell am to google it!!!'

By: TooKnownGUY

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